Author name: jade

Challenge Day 361

361. Detective: Write about a detective searching for clues or solving a mystery. When I have an injury or am sick, I drop into detective mode to solve the mystery of what are the right steps to take to recover and feel better. Have a pulled ham string? How much Advil and how often should […]

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December 21-25, 2023 After the Galapagos, we traveled to Quito where Son joined us for an adventure so we could all acclimatize to the altitude. We started our tour with a visit to Basílica del Voto Nacional, the largest neo-Gothic Catholic basilica in the Americas. The structure was beautiful and the views were stunning. On

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Challenge Day 360

360. Review: Review your week, month, or year in a journal entry or poem format. 2023 was an insane year of change, good things, and travel. The four months in Australia allowed for more exploration not only of Melbourne, but of Adelaide and Queensland. I decided to retire which created a whirlwind of events to

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Challenge Day 359

359. Garage: Write about some random item you might find in a garage. One item I know that is tucked away in some random box in the garage is a Mother’s Day card I made in first grade. The shape is a heart and the main material is pink construction paper. The front is decorated

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Challenge Day 358

358. Picnic: Write about going on a picnic. It is Christmas Eve and we spent the day in Mindo, Ecuador admiring butterflies, zip lining over the tropical jungle, and hiking to waterfalls. Returning to Quito on 2 different busses spanning three hours, I was exhausted and a little grumpy from hunger. Because it was Christmas

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