Oscar 2013 Review

oscarThe 2013 Academy Awards are over. Will we remember Seth MacFarlane’s “We Saw your Boobs” routine?

Thankfully I did go to see some films this year. Life of Pi got best cinematography, visual effects, musical score and director. Skyfall tied with Zero Dark Thirty for sound editing plus Adele won best original song for Skyfall. Brave got best animated film. Argo won best film editing, adapted screenplay and best picture.

There was a 50th anniversary tribute to James Bond movies but none of the actors were there to represent the genre. That was awkward. There were live performances of songs from Chicago and Dreamgirls – why? These are older movies and not relevant to what was happening in the show.

I watched with one eye on the TV and the other following #Oscars2013 on twitter. Cosmetic surgery was the real winner of the evening with Jane Fonda and Barbra Streisand being the standouts in that field. I almost reached for phone to schedule my procedure. If you’re 70 years old, your face should not be wrinkle-free.

I will like the Academy regardless if they are good or bad. I’m compelled to watch, laugh and engage with what is being served up.

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