Yosemite Day 1-2

Four days in Yosemite. I wanted to squeeze as much out of the trip as possible. I had previously visited in the summer of 1986 and in the winter of 1991.

Day 1

We arrived after 4 days of rain in the valley, the rain providing the needed the resource for waterfalls. The downside to the rain was that the 2 hikes we had planned were no longer available due to snow and road closure.

We hadn’t planned on going into the valley on Day1 but with Badger Pass being closed, we didn’t have a back up hike. In my previous visits to Yosemite, I could drive and park pretty much anywhere in the park. But now, the shuttle system was in full force along with a a full system of bike paths and paved walking routes.

Given the light rain and rapidly setting sun, we only walked to lower Yosemite Falls. It was a paved walkway, hardly a hike. The mist in the valley made for spectacular and eerie images.

Day 2

I was anxious to do a real hike. Out of Tenaya Lodge, there was supposed to be a 7 mile trip.

Can we go already? Come on, come on, come on, hurry up!!

The air was fragrant with fresh pine, cedarĀ  and redwood. There was still a lot of water on the plants and trees so as the sun beat down, steam was visibly rising from the foliage. Although the sun was out, we still hiked in gloves, jackets, scarves and hats.

We passed through beautiful wooded areas, followed a canal to a waterfall, observed florescent green moss, wandered through a 100-year old apple orchard, and meandered a horse trail.

Although we didn’t do the whole hike, it was refreshing and life affirming to be in such a spectacular setting.

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