
I’ve been doing yoga regularly for maybe a dozen years. I did a class here and there in the decade before that but it didn’t really capture my interest. I did ballet as a child and maintained much of my flexibility so when I did do yoga, it was easy and not a work out. So why do it if I didn’t get a workout out of it?

The dozen years ago, the YMCA offered yoga for an additional fee. The youngest was in preschool, oldest in kindergarten so I had time to take the class. How I looked at the hour and half was a time to decompress and relax. It was hard to make my brain shut up, which is really the point of yoga anyway.

In January when my shoulder was decidedly not functioning properly, I had to stop. I couldn’t raise my arms over my head, I couldn’t do push-ups, many of the poses were too difficult with a sore shoulder. Post surgery, I went to yoga for the first time this week. It was good to see what I could and couldn’t still do. I can raise my arms overhead, I’m very nervous about doing a push up so I didn’t try, but I could get into all of the other poses.

I was very sore afterward and took advil when I got home but I feel better and more normal.

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