Xmas ads lie

xmastrendI know that advertising is all about making you feel like there is a hole in your life, that you are inadequate, and that the advertised product is just the thing you didn’t know you even needed to make your life complete. I’m part of that machine in being a web and graphics production monkey.

xmastrend2I know not to trust advertising. Yahoo has made a curious choice to replace their usual “trending now” top ten list with “top holiday searches” top ten list. This is not a real list but rather a paid for advertiser list. Is someone really searching for Telescope for kids or Makeup brush set? I have doubt. I am mildly irritated to resigned to this advertising disguised as relevant search trends.

There is ample research that shows that a web visitor ignores anything that remotely resembles an ad. This is yahoo’s way of tricking the viewer into thinking this is real information rather than advertisement. One week until this is over. Then we can get back to the silly celebrity gawking and cat video viewing

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