
Daughter had her wisdom teeth taken out this week. On the way to the appointment, I asked her what was the worst pain she had ever had. She was unable to produce an event that created said pain. Wow, really? What about the half dozen injuries she got while in cross-country last year? She couldn’t say anything was the worst pain. I just asked her about the time she had a head-over-heels encounter with a stop sign and she said she doesn’t remember it hurting so much even though she bled all the way home (amazing gash requiring stitches.) She was not concerned about the pain of the surgery.

Before the surgery, she asked me to take a video of her as she came out of anesthesia because her friends told her it would be hilarious. I hoped that she did not inherit my sensitivity to anesthesia so I was hesitant in saying I would video anything. Luckily she did not become ill as she surfaced from the fog but I didn’t think it was appropriate to video the event. She was keen on touching her tongue and lips, stating “this is my tongue,” and then questioning “is this my tongue?” She pulled out her Nexus7 and started taking notes. She tried to document what had happened, what she remembered and what she was experiencing at the current moment. After 10 minutes,s he asked “how did this get typed on my Nexus?” Nothing like a little amnesia for the day.

At home I practically had to sit on her to keep her on the couch to recover. Sit still! After 5 hours, she was in front of her computer, in her element.


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