When a Physical Therapist Says PT Won’t Work

Image from healthandfitness101.com

In my quest to heal my body and have it be whole and healthy, I went to the physical therapist to work on my labral tear. The PT asked the usual questions, put me through the range of motion tests, and paused. “Let me look at your MRI.”


He returns to say that because of where the tear is (way at the top of the socket), he doesn’t think PT will result in me getting better. He referred me to the shoulder specialist at the clinic and thinks that surgery is my best path to healing.

Wow. Doctors and therapists believe in their craft. When a PT doesn’t think PT will work, that’s a bad sign. I’m disappointed because I really don’t want surgery.

He did give me some very basic exercises but didn’t do ice or heat or anything else. When I went in the next week, I saw someone else and he said that the PT could at least help the the symptoms and to ice it after I do the exercises. He did ultrasound and ice before I left too.

I do my exercises, I ice my shoulder. I go in again tomorrow. The shoulder expert can’t see me for 2 more weeks. I don’t think I’m getting better. I am getting better at compensating for my injury: pulling with my whole body, not just my arm, using my other arm, swinging my arm for momentum rather than using the muscles that insert into the labrum.

Moving down this path, I hope to find some light soon.

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