Wellness Prescription

I won a basket at an open house raffle event and in the basket was The Wellness Prescription Your Guide to Optimum Health by David H. Rahm, M.D. This is one post that is a book, has to do with fitness and food.

The book outlines why as a society we have poor health (over consumption, too busy, not enough exercise) and then prescribes series of recommendations to counteract negative health.

  • Eat well (paleodiet)
  • Sleep
  • Exercise
  • Vitamin supplementation (the real reason for the book)
  • Stress Management

Everyone has an opinion about the “right” kind of diet one should follow e.g. RAVE, paleo, vegan, vegetarian. There are a couple things they diets agree on: green leafy vegetables. Eat them early and often. From there, no one can agree what the right foods are to stay healthy.

Dr. Rahm sells vitamins. He advocates his line of vitamins- VitaMedica. Surprise!

The one thing that was helpful was the reminder about anti-oxidants, that I should be aware of them and eat food high in them. Maybe I’ll get some acai berries.


1 thought on “Wellness Prescription”

  1. How about getting dark-chocolate-covered acai berries? Two classes of antioxidents in one food! 😉

    Great review, thank you. I agree that finding the “right” diet is impossible if you listen to (or read) different experts; they frequently contradict each other. And I also agree that front-loading with vegetables (and fruit) is the start to any truly healthy diet. Any diet that does not include chocolate will automatically get a pass from me, so I guess I won’t be checking out the paleo diet. Don’t think those cavemen had much by way of cocoa processing capabilities.

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