Weeds or Food?

I come home with my CSA haul for the week and my brother looks suspiciously at the contents. At least 3 different kinds of greens, none of which he would ever eat.

Out in the yard one day, we’re pulling weeds and he pulls up a couple different kinds of dandelions. He hands them to me and says something about that they’re dinner. After all, don’t they look like what I brought home in my CSA bag?

I have to admit that dandelion greens from the farm aren’t any different from the dandelions I pull from my yard. I just put the ones in my yard in the green waste container or into the worm bin. I don’t eat them.

The dandelions I get from the farm I tend to put into the food processor and add to whatever I’m cooking (soup, pasta topping, stir fry, whatever.)

In the 1989 movie Roger & Me, there was a resident of Flint, MI that raised rabbits for Pets or Meat. That is certainly a much larger gap in rabbit usage than dandelion greens being seen as weeds or food, but that memory of Pets or Meat was jogged in thinking about these greens.

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