
Friday, June 28

Vienna from the train station was not impressive but once we arrived in the old city, the massive structures made a statement. Building after building were similar yet different. I can’t imagine what citizens thought when these were built.

Our dinner was a brat from a popular kiosk by the opera house. We retired afterward due to the time and energy level. Our hotel, the Almanac had light/curtain controlled via an ipad so we grumbled about being old since we couldn’t figure out how to close our curtains or turn off the lights.

Saturday, June 29

We followed a Rick Steves walking tour photocopied from his book. We saw many grand embellishments, gold plated ornaments, eagles, and statues of men on horses. The Hapsbergs had too much money.

The Freud museum, located in the residence and offices of Sigmund Freud, was surprisingly good and crowded. Whereas I studied Freud for years because he was foundational to psychology, I learned more about him as a person at the museum. The circumstances around escaping the Nazis and moving to England as well as his cancer showed how his story fit into a bigger narrative. I was impressed by how many letters he wrote and papers he published but DH2 pointed out that the productivity was fueled by cocaine. Point. The museum moved DH2 to consider Freud as more contemporary than he previously thought, with learning that Freud and Einstein had corresponded and that he had to flee siring WW2. I had to google whether Anna Freud was queer due to the vibes I got from displays. My gaydar was correct.

We continued the walking tour, spent 30 minutes looking for a pastry pop-up shop, purchased candied violet petals, and dined in a very fancy restaurant. I ended the trip with a slice of Sacher cake and cream.