Valentine Vegan Pizza

How do I show those I love how much I care? I didn’t want to do chocolate for Valentine’s Day. We don’t need that. I decided to make heart-shaped pizzas. I had vegan cheese, vegan pepperoni and a jar of pickled jalapenos. Yumm. I make the crust by hand from a recipe in Mollie Katzen’s “Vegetable Heaven.” It takes close to 3 hours to make the pizza and the kids know this. They are happy when I make pizza because we LOVE pizza.

I had never made heart shaped pizza before. After I rolled out the dough into a traditional circle, I used a knife to cut the top shape and then attached the cut-off part onto the bottom of the circle. Voila, it’s a heart shape!

When I called the kids into dinner. Son was genuinely touched. He hugged and kissed me and it was magic as a mom can get. Daughter came in and rolled her eyes. Oh well. DH smiled and gave me a hug. Really, I couldn’t ask for much more than that. My heart was full.

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