Unsexy sex

I was first in line for 3 library audio-books but had nothing to listen to as I began the work week. I had listened to all of my podcasts and had nothing to listen to for the upcoming week of exercise and gardening.

Off to blackgold.com to find a quick audio download. EL James’ Fifty Shades Darker was available. This is the 2nd of a trilogy of the Twilight BDSM fan fiction installment that I swore I would never read. I was ambivalent about continuing the story since I was wasn’t enamored by Fifty Shades of Gray. I was banking that one of the books that I was queued up for would come in before I would finish 50 Shades Darker so I was prepared to abandon the story for any ordered book.

No such luck. I ended up listening to the whole thing. It was no better in auditory form than it was in written form. The narrator was not engaging and sounded a bit air-headed. She did not act out the characters in a convincing fashion: they were more caricatures than characters.

This story is a showcase of how sex be unsexy. What a shame. Clumsily written, uninteresting story (it’s just a regurgitation of Twilight), yawn. All I can say is that it chewed up 20 hours of exercise and chore time. And of course, the day I hear “the end,” I get the library notice that I have a new audio book waiting for me. I literally can not wait.

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