Unexpected Role Model

“Frazz by Jef Mallett follows the adventures of an unexpected role model: an elementary-school janitor. He’s a trusted authority figure who is every kid’s buddy. He took the janitor’s job while he was a struggling songwriter, and when he finally sold a hit song, he decided to stay on at school.” – quote from gocomics.com

I became familiar with Frazz when we got the LA Times. I connected with the character because Frazz is a triathlete and there would be jokes about the sport. There was even a mention once that he was coming to the Santa Barbara Triathlon.

The kids in the comics are smart and literary and make jokes so obscure that people in the gocomics forum have to go look up the reference. There are puns and crossover mentions of other strips like Pearls Before Swine.

There have been mentions that Frazz is a grown up Calvin from Calvin and Hobbs. He’s drawn similarly and has a thread of Calvin’s prankster and fantasy view. This idea is even mentioned on the Frazz wikipedia page.

I like being connected with, challenged and entertained by my comics. Done, and done.

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