Twilight until the Dawn

Son brought home Stephanie Meyer’s book Twilight when he was in 5th grade. I had heard about the series and was curious about it. Daughter (in 7th grade at the time) picked up the book and promptly bought the whole series. We all read and enjoyed the books. Since the series is considered a “girl series” and my kids were enjoying them, I suggested that knowing about the series would be a good way to have conversations with girls.

Son was too young to read the books really. He had to ask me what skipping a period meant in the 4th book when Bella becomes pregnant. Oh well, adventures in parenting.

Sister started being interested in the movies. She never read the books but only watched the movies. In 2010 we went to the premier of Eclipse together at a fund raiser for Angels Foster Care. We could barely hear the movie because there were so many shrieking girls in the audience. It was fun.

We repeated this soiree by attending the Angel’s Foster Care fundraiser for the Breaking Dawn, part 2 premier last night. We went to a VIP party beforehand and had a lovely time.

The movie was surprising, there were elements that were not in the book which caused the audience to gasp for 10 minutes. It was a well-adapted movie even with the twist ending.

As the credits rolled, they showed all actors who had been in all 5 movies. There was much enthusiasm from the fangirls. Then there were the last big 3 names to show on the screen. Taylor Lautner’s name flashed up: the audience went wild. Robert Pattinson: squeals. Kristen Stewart: dead silence. Teen girls are not a forgiving bunch given Stewart’s recent behavior.

The last movie of the series, 5 years of books, movies, podcasts, scandal and entertainment. I’ve spent a chunk of time and energy in this fandom.

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