Turtle Heaven

We discovered our turtle liked strawberries. When there would be spoiled strawberries, I’d toss them by her pool and they would disappear. I thought the birds or dog had been eating them. Then one day we saw turtle walking with a berry in her mouth and another time with her swimming with one in her mouth.

I was harvesting recently and found her in the middle of the berry patch. She had red smears around her mouth like a woman who had smeared her lipstick while kissing. She quickly marched back to her pond and slipped noisily into the water. A walk of shame.

Later, I set some strawberries by her pond just to watch her come out and snap them up. She has to be happy having a garden just outside her pond. I’m sure it beats the little turtle stick food-like things I get at the pet store. I’m glad my garden can make another living being comfortable.

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