Try Tri Again

I had a bike accident last June resulting in a MCL tear (knee injury). Days before, I had signed up for the SB Triathlon. Due to my injury, I had to miss the triathlon for the first time since 1999. This made me unhappy on so many levels. Triathlon is a way I define myself and my health. With my injury, not only could I not work out with a training group (which I had done for a decade), but I couldn’t even exercise with any intensity. I gained weight, my cholesterol went up, my attitude changed. Not a happy camper.

I did my physical therapy, had a couple MRIs and xrays. 6 months into this process, the doctor prescribed a new drug (healthnet didn’t cover it so I paid out of pocket – ouch, that hurt almost as much as the injury!) and thankfully at the beginning of 2012, I’ve been able to exercise with little to no knee pain. Wow. I felt high after my first spin class in 6 months.

Fueled by my ability to walk and spin, I’m planning on trying the triathlon again this year. I won’t be training with a group so I will have to push and motivate myself. Now I just have to get rid of this pesky deltoids pain I got from lifting my suitcase over winter vacation.

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