Tjongololo’s Box

At the Canyon Roadhouse, close to the Fish River Canyon in southern Namibia, the woman’s bathroom sports a giant mural of a gorgeous man. A box nailed to the wall over his genitals, labeled Tjongololo’s Box, had a little door with a handle a note that warned that no one should ever open the box.

The puzzle of the Tjongololo’s box:

A long, long time ago, a mysterious animal lived at the canyon. It was a large dark worm, with two long antennae. Night after night it came looking for holes and crevices to crawl into.

The humans called him the Tjongololo. If you encountered him you had to turn away immediately, otherwise you were devoured neck and crop – all that remained was a small pile of stones. Strangely enough only women fell prey to the Tjongololo. In the end there were less and less women and more and more little piles of stones.

One day the remaining women decided to put a stop to the Tjongololo’s doings. At night they waylaid him and doused him with magic water from all sides – which made him freeze and unable to move. They grabbed him and stuffed him into a box.

We have found that box and hung it up here to remind all of the females of this world that curiosity really is a bad, bad thing. The box may never ever be opened again, never ever. Not even in secret when you are alone and think that nobody will see you.

Although I didn’t open the box, when someone does open the box, a loud sound blares throughout the entire roadhouse.

There was a female version in the men’s bathroom that DH2 that did entice him to open the box. I found this a funny joke.