Tinker Tailor – umm, the movie

I read Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy in May and had a hard time with the British spy linguistics. So now I have the opportunity to see the recent movie staring Gary Oldman (or Sirius Black for us Potter-heads.)

I have to admit I fell asleep within the first 45 minutes but that was because of the very busy day and the vodka drinks that had preceded the movie. DH watched the movie though. He as as thoroughly confused by the movie as I was by the book. I generally don’t talk through movies, don’t ask questions, think it’s rude. The next day, I gave permission for us to watch the movie together and talk through the whole thing so we could piece together what was really happening. Was that a flashback? What did that scene have to do with anything? What was happening? With my knowledge of the book, I did understand more of what was going on.

I ended up enjoying the movie and understanding the whole story. I see why this has been an enduring tale even if it took me more than one try.

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