The Things We Do


Daughter had a nice senior year schedule: 2 AP classes, 2 fun classes, 1 university class,and theater. She came into my room and announced that she wanted a more challenging workload this year and wanted to take AP Chemistry and drop her badminton class. Huh?

At our Stanford campus tour, the admissions counselor pointed out that they looked at what applicants took in their senior year. Stanford did not want to see seniors coasting through their final year. AP Chem rather than PE would show a more rigorous schedule.

Daughter had taken Chemistry at City College between her freshman and sophomore year and said she didn’t really remember anything from the class. She also didn’t want to take AP Computer Science because “it was a joke” of a class, meaning it was too easy for her.

I asked what brought on this idea and she admitted that a friend was lonely in the Chem class and she asked if Daughter would take the class with her. Ah, the real story comes out. It’s a fine reason I told her. But what I really wanted to ask was “how will you feel about the class if she breaks your heart?”

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