The Longest Lap

I was cleared by the doctor for me to swim and weight lift. He told me to start with only 5 minutes of swimming and 2 lb weights, not to go too fast in increasing my time and weight.

It was a sunny and lovely day, the perfect weather for me to venture back to the pool. I had been given an A+ by the doctor and physical therapist in my efforts for recovery. I was feeling confident, like, sure I could swim. 5 minutes? No problem. My plan was to breast-stroke to one end and free-style back.

Sploosh. Cool water. Let’s start. Stroke. Hmmm. Stroke. OUCH!! Stroke. What exactly is hurting? Stroke. OUCH!

I made it to the end. This is not a race, this is not a race.

Free-style back. Not a whole lot more fun than the breast-stroke. OK, this is not fun. This is probably really good for me, but is NOT fun.

I completed 3 laps in 5 minutes. I have much room to improve, like maybe going for 4 laps next time.

I much preferred the jacuzzi afterward.

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