The Kite Runner

With high interest, I placed The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini on hold at the library. It had showed up on many of my friends’ reading lists and I had in passing heard good things about it. I now know that stories about rape and war are not of interest. I didn’t know this was was the story was about before I picked up the book.

The story follows an Afghan boy, his close friend, and his family from the early 1970’s in Kabul to the early 2000’s in Fremont, CA.

After a few chapters, I had to stop reading. I could only read one chapter a night. Once the story was in CA, I could read more at one sitting but when the setting shifted back to Afghanistan, I returned to reading only one chapter a night. I secretly hoped the book would expire on my Kindle so I wouldn’t have to finish it. Alas, I did finish it. Although the author is a good writer, I did not like the story.

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