The Host – movie version

Following the pattern I have of reading books and watching the subsequent movie, I watched the Stephanie Meyer screen version of The Host. I liked the book and knew that the 2013 movie was not loved among critics. Knowing that the movie was supposed to be awful, I didn’t begin watching with high expectations.

My kids voluntarily sat and watched it with me. They knew nothing of the book but loved Meyer’s  Twilight series and were willing to see what new tale she could serve.

We all liked the movie, contrary to popular opinion. Kids liked the sci-fi story of aliens invading earth and doing a version of body snatching. They liked the love triangle twist that Meyers is so good at orchestrating. I thought the movie did a good job at following major plot points and being true to the book.

Daughter wanted to know if this story was a stand-alone or part of a series. She obviously wanted more in this post-alien invaded world. I thought this was a fine screen rendition of the story.

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