The Host

I didn’t want to like The Host by Stephenie Meyer as much as I did but I admit I really liked the style, pacing, content and characters. Maybe I was so familiar with the style from my Twilight addiction that I felt some kinship with this story but it sucked me in and I couldn’t stop listening.

Earth has been invaded by silvery caterpillar aliens who embed themselves in our bodies and take over our lives. The host soul usually gets quieted or forced out. But the human who was Melody refuses to silenced so the alien soul and host soul learn to co-exist. Human Melody shares memories of the man she loves to the effect that alien Melody also falls in love with him. They find Jared and eventually he comes to accept both live in the same body. Talk about your awkward love triangle.

Fun Sci-fi, different love story, interesting world view and resolution.

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