Tech crisis

I wonder if I had been using my regular purse if the accident would have even happened. And if I had used my usual purse, dropping into the water would not have been fatal to my phone. The combination of an unfamiliar handle to negotiate while socializing and a cloth rather than leather purse proved disastrous.

contents of my purse which was dunked in water and splashed with red wine
contents of my purse which was dunked in water and splashed with red wine

I had never dropped my phone into water before this, but the internet is filled with stories and remedies of wet phones. I was in denial that it could happen to me. Sister was quick thinking, disassembled the components and dried them off. Unfortunately we were hours from going home.

We moved from the tequila tasting party to el Encanto where the components were laid on the table to dry. Wrong choice since I then knocked over a glass of wine, wetting the components yet again.  When we got home, I had serious doubts about my phones viability as I immersed it in rice.

24 hours later, the phone turned on, I could see emails and messages come in, but the touch screen was unresponsive. It would not unlock, no emergency call could be initiated, nothing. At this point, I knew it was over.

My plan was to get a new phone but husband said to get one off craigslist. I found 2 for $150 and sent initial inquiries while I pondered what Costco could offer. Costco couldn’t tell me what my upgrade options were without access to our verizon account. But I didn’t know the pin which was probably husband’s last 4 digits to his SSN. That bit of info is stored in my phone, which was broken. He was sleeping so I couldn’t just call. We called verizon customer support but she wouldn’t give me the time of day because I didn’t have the pin.

I drive home to lift the four numbers from tax forms and return to Costco. Now the issue was that I was not an account manager on the verizon account. <sigh> We tried at length to get me set up as an account manager but it required that a text message be sent to one of our 3 other phones. Husband sleeping, Daughter sleeping, Son on his way to camp where there was no cell service. I had to go home again, hoping I could lift one of the phones. This time husband was awake and I took him in the next trip to Costco. All he had to do was show his ID and they upgraded me; I got a new phone but he had to sign for it.

I installed applications and was able to recover a good chunk of info. The bad news is that all of my passwords are gone. I have to reset all of my ring tones and configure it all to my liking again. I did not need this.

My new phone is water resistant.

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