Switzerland & France


Warm but overcast. Walked out to water jet and had kebab.
Water in hotel tastes sweet.
Paddle boat around lake, quick walk through old town. McRaclette.
Severe weather warning.
Broken chair, UN, botanic garden, science museum, square. Rained on all day.
Left cc at sandwich shop, cathedral tower, African museum.
CERN. Tram.
Very clean city.


Train to Basel.
Tram to university, leave baggage there. DH2 does talk while I explore the town and go to the museum.

The Alps

Train to the Alps.
Grindelwald. Picture perfect colors.
Lauterbrunnen to catch cogwheel train to base of Eiger. Could hear the the cow bells.
Train to Zermatt. All trains run on time.
Perfect view of Matterhorn from our room.
Funicular to hike to lake and took cogwheel train down.
Gondola up. Matterhorn express. Could see peak of Mt Blanc.
Ice palace.
Half way down took reflection pix and iconic Matterhorn pix.
Gorge walk.


Multiple trains to Chamonix
Cute Airbnb. Walked around city. Dinner on parch. Sunset on Mt Blanc.
Gondola to top of ridge. Altitude sickness.
Half way down, 2.5 hour hike to glacier. Drank water from glacier runoff.
Sad to see how much glacier receded since 1985.