Sugar Frosted

Being a child of the 70’s and raised on Saturday morning cartoons as truth, I loved sugar cereal. I have no idea why my mother was indulgent in this charade of morning nutrition, but I thank her for it. Yes there was an occasional raisin bran, cheerio (pre-honey nut variety), or shredded wheat in the cupboard, but there was a huge dose of capt crunch, frosted mini wheats, count chocula, and fruity pebbles.

I ate cereal daily and eventually in my 30s moved to the more adult, less-sugared variety. Then I had kids.

I think I would have been fine with them eating whatever for breakfast, but DH was anti-sugar cereal. When he would go on a business trip for a week, I would bring home the sugar stuff for my kids. It became our secret food.

When DH left for his 2 month travel odyssey, Son reminded me of this old tradition. Ah yes, I though with a smile. We have had as steady stream of nutritional bereft breakfast grains. When I came home with frosted mini-wheats, Son asked “did you read my mind? That’s exactly what I wanted.”

I too have been indulging in the mini-wheats but I eat them for lunch after my salad. The salad and the cereal cancel each other out, right?

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