State of Wonder

State of Wonder by Ann Patchett is summarized by “Dr. Marina Singh, a research scientist with a Minnesota pharmaceutical company, is sent to Brazil to track down her former mentor, Dr. Annick Swenson, who seems to have all but disappeared in the Amazon while working on what is destined to be an extremely valuable new drug.”

Marina travels to the Amazon initially to find out what really happened to Anders, a presumably dead colleague, to bring back his belongings and to find out what was really happening with the drug project.

A discovery in the jungle found that fertility could be extended throughout life: no menopause and child bearing at age 70. The upshot of the story being that maybe even if women could have children late in life, doesn’t mean they should. I thought this amusing.

Another point raised: is it better to help some (1st world people with money) or many (more poor people 3rd world). Who pays for the development and discovery of drugs that can help people? Are there ethical considerations in drug development?

A couple unexpected turns in the end surprised and shocked, and turned the story on its premise.

I was told about the book last Halloween and put it on hold at the library for my Kindle. I think I was 85th on the list. It took months for me to get my digital paws on it. A good and easy read.

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