St. Patrick’s Day

We are not Irish. We have never celebrated St. Patrick’s Day before. On Friday there were articles in the newspaper (yes, I still read a printed newspaper) that must have gotten into my subconscious. I was making my grocery list and thought to myself “is there a vegetarian corned beef and cabbage?” I did a google search and although there were options, I wasn’t excited by the recipes. I think it was the “pickling spice” that make me say “meh.”

I had 2 cabbage heads from CSA so I decided to make cabbage soup for St. Patrick’s Day. While it was cooking, I considered biscuits. I thought green food coloring would work and I could make shamrock-shaped biscuits. The food coloring didn’t distribute as well in the batter as I hoped it was so the dough had streaks of green rather than being uniformly green. I made 3-leafed and 4-leafed clover-shaped biscuits.

Coming to the table, Son says “well, that’s greenish. That’s St. Patrick’s day-like.” He was trying to be supportive.

The good news is that the soup was great (another Mollie Katzen recipe) and that no one left the table hungry.

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