
squirrelLooking into Our View Garden, I saw a brown head of something that wasn’t my dog. I thought it was a gopher, since moles or gophers had recently invaded our front yard. But I looked more closely and saw it was a squirrel! A squirrel? I’ve never seen a squirrel in my yard before. Well, that clears up the mystery of why my squash was disappearing.

Then I wondered “what’s wrong with my dog that she doesn’t go wild with a real live squirrel in the yard?” After all, the dog goes crazy when there is “nothing” outside. She is hyper aware of the skunks and opossums that wander into the yard and regularly gets sprayed by said skunks. So why did she not even know there was a furry, breathing creature on the other side of the glass door?

How does one discourage squirrels from eating your garden? I guess this could be considered a successful garden if it’s attracted pests?

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