Squash Blossoms

We received these pretty yellow squash blossoms with a recipe to deep fry them. In the spirit of the deep-fried summer which started with the green tomatoes, I jumped in to assembling the course.

The recipe called for stuffing the blossom with seasoned cream cheese. Then I did the usual frying ritual: dredge in flour, dip in and egg and milk mixture, cover in spiced bread crumbs.

I liked having the stems on the flower. It was an easy in and out of the fryer. After they cooled a bit, I tried one. They melted in my mouth. The kids loved them (if it’s fried, it can’t be all that bad).

The second time we got blossoms in our haul, Daughter was given the task of making them. She was surprised by how much work they were to make and appreciated even more how tasty they were.

I put the fryer away for the season and look forward to another spring and summer of blossoms next year.

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