Sookie’s Happily Ever After

deadeverafterDead Ever After by Charlaine Harris is the 13th and final book in her Sookie Stackhouse Vampire Mystery Novel series. Highly anticipated, the fandom speculated on who Sookie was going to “end up with.”

As with all of the Sookie books, there is a murder which needs to be solved but this time, Sookie is the suspect. Since this was the last book, all previous characters who have not gone to meet their maker show up for a cameo appearance in their support for the wrongly accused Sookie. All manner of supernatural creatures are figured into the story: vampires, shape shifters, werewolves, weretigers, werepanthers, demons, elves, faeries, mind readers. There are so many supes, it’s hard to believe there are any regular humans in Sookieverse.

Harris refused to tour to promote this book. She was afraid of the public’s reaction to the ending. She had received death threats if the story didn’t end with Sookie and Eric being together. That should tell you that the story ended with Sookie being with someone else, Sam, whom I thought was the best choice.

It’s pulp romance/fiction folks! It’s not worth threatening someone’s life over it!

I liked the book because it wrapped up the main story line and we got to see all our favorite characters interacting in the fictional city of Bon Temps.

I started listening to the books in 2008 and got to hear the first 8 books in a continuous stream of story, one right after the other. When I was caught up with the published books, I had to wait with the rest of the fandom for each new book to be released. By listening to the books, I associated the actress’s voice with the role so when I read a subsequent book, I’d hear it in the same voice.

I enjoyed living in Sookie’s crazy world for a few years. It’s not high literature, it’s pure fun.


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