So you ask a boy to the prom

Daughter came home a couple weeks ago announcing that she had been asked to prom. The name of the girl who invited her was only vaguely familiar and someone I’ve never met or even seen a picture of. Because she was in the throes of 3 other events, she could not compute what it meant to go to the prom.

I asked her what she knew about prom, what was expected, what the process was. She answered that she would have to talk with me at a later time about this matter. I did suggest that she talk with her date to see what her expectations were for the night.

I found a paper amid Daughter’s papers this week that amused me. The typed paper was PROM ITINERARY with Daughter’s name hand written into the corner. The subheading was “(for the Guys)” which begged the question of whether there was was for the girls as well. In bold, all capitalized letters there was a caution of “ALL TIMES SUBJECT TO CHANGE (The times are all accurate generalizations).”

It continues:

Whenever you wake up – 5:30pm: Get ready

5:45pm  on the dot – boy1 be at girl1’s house, boy2 and boy3 be at girl2’s house, boy 4 be at girl 4’s house

6:00pm boy1 and girl 1 pick everyone up

6:20pm Have everyone picked up at the Lake for pictures

6:50pm Leave photo site for restaurant

7:15pm Dinner at restaurant

8:15pm Leave restaurant, drive to prom site

8:30pm Arrive at prom site for more pictures/Prom!

Starred and hand-written at the bottom: Do Not forget the corsages!

This tickled me because this obviously was orchestrated by the girls of this group. Wanting not to be disappointed by socially inept geek boys, the girls took matters into their own hands and are creating the evening they want for themselves.

Not only will this be the first formal event she’s been to, it’s the first actual DATE she’s been on where she’s gone somewhere for the express purpose of being social. Daughter still needs to ask if her date wants a wrist or a pinned corsage. I bet there are a few other things that need to be ironed out.

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