Season Bookends

image by Eli Weissman
image by Eli Weissman

I rode my bike today on the way to the gym. A first, and a long time coming since I’ve been going to this gym for almost a year. (Note: a year? How did that happen?) With Veteran’s Day, the uni is closed but the gym is open. I rode to the gym, took a stretch class and rode home. Less than 4 miles each way so it wasn’t a hard work out.

Riding along the neighborhood streets, I see things differently than when I’m in a car. I noticed the leaves that had finally turned colors for autumn. I was IN autumn, experiencing the season around me. The sky was overcast and the air was cool. The leaves were swirling off the trees as I rode through their dance to the ground.

The leaves littering the ground crunched crisply under my tires. This reminded me of spring, when the jacaranda’s drop their flowers. When I run over the purple blooms, they give a satisfying snap. I think the crunching red liquid amber leaves are the bookend to the purple snapping jacaranda buds. Enjoying autumn.

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