
Daughter was preparing to apply for a scholarship offered by the NSA. This was something she was planning on doing for several months but of course managed to wait until the last minute to complete. The scholarship award is generous and part of the arrangement is for the recipient to work for the NSA 1.5x years for every year that the scholarship covers. I equate this to ROTC, having the military pay for college and then serving for so many years in a military branch. The NSA is merely another branch of the government.

Daughter: When I tell people that I’m applying for this scholarship, they ask me if I’m crazy. They ask me why would I want to work for an agency like that?

Me: The NSA has been in the media lately in a negative light. If you told someone about applying for this scholarship last spring, no one would have blinked an eye at the matter. Because of the current spotlight, people now have an opinion about the NSA. If you told someone that you wanted to be a congressman, would they say: “why would you want to be one of those worthless people who can’t get anything done in Washington?” Congressmen have had as much negative press as the NSA lately. Many organizations (and individuals) have scandals but it doesn’t mean that the whole organization is bad. The sordid parts are what gets the most attention, the most outrage.

What’s important is where the passion is. Computer security is pinnacle at the moment and Daughter can contribute in a meaningful way. She’s following her own conviction and will swim against popular culture.

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