
May 7-14, 2023

On the the Gold Coast for a conference where I wandered the beach and town, even walking down to Surfer’s Paradise.

We took a train to Brisbane where DH2 had a university talk and met up with a UCSB colleague. I rode the ferris wheel, walked through the botanic garden and enjoyed the architectural views. The ferry as public transportation was pretty cool.

We drove to Lamington National Park just to say that we went there and even had a lamington for lunch. There was a cool raised walk in the forest and a spot where we could climb a tall enclosed ladder up to the tree tops. It felt magical. There were so many birds that posed nicely for photos.

Driving down the coast to Sydney, we stopped by many small towns to appreciate the views.

Although this isn’t Queensland, I don’t have any other place to put this…I did the Sydney Bridge Climb and LOVED it!