Pride and Prejudice

Just as Elinor and Maryanne were Sense and Sensibility, Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth were Pride and Prejudice. This is a courtship story where reputation and propriety were the utmost concern. The tale unravels as what was known becomes false in light of a new information. It was similar to peeling an onion, there is always another layer to consider.

The language of Jane Austen reminds me of a high school vocabulary building exercise. All the words are understandable in a sentence by mere structure and nuance. But I did find myself looking up words like disapprobation (strong disapproval, typically on moral grounds) and alacrity (brisk and cheerful readiness.) Not only am I reading a classic, but extra brain cells get tickled along the way.

I read one review that I laughed at: “All those daft twits rabbiting on about clothes and boyfriends and manners.” It pretty much summed up the experience.

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