Politics as Entertainment?


  1. The action of providing or being provided with amusement or enjoyment.
  2. An event, performance, or activity designed to entertain others.


  1. The process of receiving or giving systematic instruction

News has become more entertainment rather than informational. There are so many news shows and whole networks devoted to news that news has changed into this infotainment that lacks substance. Every story is spun depending on the slant of the station.

I heard a couple years ago that many people get their news from John Stewart’s Daily Show. I have to admit I like Stewart, Bill Maher and even SNL for my entertainment of current politics.

Then there was the presidential debate last night. The debates are not entertaining as there is little amusement from the event. They are educational though, and engaging. Mostly engaging from me yelling at the TV. I guess someone else could see that as entertaining.

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