
pinkberryPinkberry has some mystical hold on some people which is why they’ve become so popular. Sister took my kids to Pinkberry in Beverly Hills years ago. They came home raving about how good the tart frozen yogurt was and eagerly awaited a franchise to open in Santa Barbara.

When the store opened in SB, the kids were a little disappointed, saying that it didn’t taste as good as the shoppes in LA. I got to taste the dairy treat for the first time and I was not so impressed. In subsequent years, I had some in LA but the taste never lived up to my kids’ exaltations.

An east-coast GF came to live in SB and she too raved about Pinkberry, often foregoing food in favor of a trip to the State Street store. When she move to the Middle East, she mourned leaving her favorite food. After several months, she excitedly sent me proof that she would survive as an Expat because she had found a Pinkberry.

It was absolutely delicious too. I got coconut with raspberries, watermelon, and bananas. I’ll be back at my earliest convenience. It’s even more expensive here than in SB, like $9 for a medium, but who cares!


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