Pi Day

Today is 3.14, hence Pi Day. This is a national geek holiday I think. Living in a household of math nerds, the day is especially salient. Daughter had to make pies for this occasion.

The first pie was blueberry. It was gorgeous when it came out of the oven. I mean magazine gorgeous. We couldn’t help ourselves and ate half of it before I could take a picture of it. OK, we’re pathetic.

Yumm! Daughter was once very into cooking but interest fell off around junior high school. Now, the cooking is event driven: fudge for her friends’ birthday, lemon squares for her French class.

I have perfectly good cookbooks with fabulous recipes but she uses her own search engine capabilities to find what she’s looking for. The more self propelled she is, the better. So if she wants to find her own recipe, go Daugher, go.

BTW, she did everything herself, including the top crust using a pizza cutter to cut the strips of dough. Cool.

The second pie was apple with a crumble topping rather than a crust.

She just reminded me that last year for Pi Day, she did “The Speed of Light” experiment with marshmallows. She calculated the speed of light using  nothing but a plate of marshmallows, a ruler, a microwave, and some math. This is what my family calls “fun.”

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  1. Pingback: Challenge Day 24 – Dutcher-Dash

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