Persimmon love

I didn’t know what a persimmon was while growing up. I remember hearing the word and may have glimpsed one once but it didn’t leave a lasting impression. It had a neutral to negative connotation perhaps just from the lack of knowledge and reference point.

After I married, DH brought some persimmons home from a coworker who grew them in her yard. I was then educated that there were two types of persimmon: one eaten when it’s hard as if it were an apple (Fuyu), and one eaten soft as if it were pudding (Hachiya). I came to enjoy both types but especially liked the pudding variety.

I am very patient when waiting for fruit to ripen. I have been disappointed too many times in my impatience: not only does the fruit taste bad, but I’ve ruined a future treat. So I will wait until the perfect pliability to eat the Hachiya.

I had purchased Fuyus a couple weeks ago and Son ate them all in 3 days. He requested I buy more this past weekend. In the checkout line at Costco, a man asked me what I did with persimmons. I replied “eat them!” I explained about the two types and the differences in eating them. He looked puzzled that I would eat the fruit like an apple.

In a package of 9, there are 2 pieces of fruit left. We enjoy our fruit.

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