PB Cookies

The stages of cookies: roll them in sugar, press them out with a fork, burnt, ready to party
The stages of cookies: roll them in sugar, press them out with a fork, burnt, ready to party


I was invited to a cookie exchange party where I was supposed to bring 6 dozen cookies. Since I don’t usually bake sweet things anymore, I harkened to my childhood when cookies were baked by the ton. My mother would bake for weeks at a time so she could distribute plates of goodies to friends and neighbors throughout the holiday season. Some of the things that mom made:

  • Peanut butter cookies
  • raisin oatmeal cookies
  • chocolate coconut haystacks
  • pineapple cupcakes
  • fruitcake
  • rice crispy cookies
  • snicker doodles
  • butterscotch crisps
  • lemon jello cake

I inherited my mom’s recipes so I sat down with the envelopes of paper snips and decided that peanut butter cookies would be the easiest for me to make. The recipe yield was 5 dozen and I needed 6 dozen so I doubled the recipe knowing that my boys would consume the balance of the amount.

Baking was going well so I put tray 5 and 6 into the oven, instructing Son to remove the cookies from the oven when the timer beeped while I took the dog for a walk. When I arrived home, the cookies were burnt. Son was so consumed by his book that he never heard the timer. With 2 dozen burned and too many cookies to count snarfed by the family, I ended up with less than 6 dozen to take to the party. You know, that’s ok.

1 thought on “PB Cookies”

  1. Pingback: Challenge Day 23 – Dutcher-Dash

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