Parent of a Twitterer

Daughter lost her driver’s permit and was scheduled to go out on her last driver training session with the professional so we had to brave the DMV to get the permit replaced. While waiting our turn,s he revealed that she has a Twitter account. What? When did this happen? She said she was tired of me ripping off her good lines and wanted a place to post her witty thoughts. I promptly tried to find her account but there were so many with our name, I had to ask which one was her. Here’s one:

Based on who-knows-what (guessing it was tracking my searches), twitter is suggesting I follow two foreign scientists and @jimmyfallon. #wat

I reminded him that if she ever joined Facebook, I would not comment on anything she ever posted so I wouldn’t annoy her. She said “it’s nice to have young parents” but stopped and said, “but you’re not young.” Thanks kid.

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