Oz Prequel

OZ: THE GREAT AND POWERFULOz the Great and Powerful was Disney at a twisted best. This story serves as a prequel to the Wizard of Oz and introduces all relevant characters, settings and story line. It begins in black and white Kansas, turning to color once the “wizard” is in Oz just as the 1939 movie did. The black and white footage is lush and he 3-D effects are well used.

Once in Oz, Disney animated reality plays a heavy hand with flowers, landscapes and buildings with fantasy proportions. In every scene, I was comparing this to the original.

The story was creative and I wasn’t quite sure who the good girls and bad girls were for a long while.The actors embraced their roles, understanding their roots yet making the characters their own.

I want Mila Kunis’s Theodora outfit: red hat and opera coat with black leather pants. Wow.

Humor was abundant throughout and the audience responded openly to all silliness. A little girl sitting next to me openly wept at the sad parts. The supporting actors were strong as well: who doesn’t like Zach Braff and Bruce Campbell?

Although I can see where others might trash the movie, it isn’t high film after all, but it’s a delicious tidbit taking us back to a beloved childhood fairytale.

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