Only Lovers Left Alive

We are traveling. We’re traveling only at night. We drive, we walk, we fly. And then there is angst in between each travelogue.

The current Vampire tale from Jim Jarmusch explores modern vampire woes which plague the 21st century undead:

  • if you’re a creative vampire, how are you able to continue your art?
  • how do you deal with humans contaminating their blood?
  • how do you handle wild relatives who drop in on you and you haven’t forgiven them for what they did 87 years ago?
  • how do you stay interested, interesting and relevant century after century?
  • if your blood supplier quits supplying your drug of choice, what are your options?

Since the word “vampire” is never mentioned in the movie, it could just be a movie of a couple in a long term relationship which has to deal with one person struggling with depression, and regular things like relatives, work, loyalty, diet, and where to live. You know, human stuff.

aside: Sometimes I wonder if someone wants to make a vampire movie as an excuse to shoot scenes in the dark.

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