Nutritional Yeast

I began the search for a new gravy recipe. I had used the same vegan recipe for 6 years and I was never happy with it. With the new key word of vegetarian gravy, I was allowed many more options than with the vegan key word.

What I found was that most of the recipes called for nutritional yeast. What the heck is that? I looked in my refrigerator to see why type of yeast I had: bakers yeast. Then I found out that there were many types of yeast and one could not be substituted for the other.

Nutritional yeast is an inactive yeast, and is consumed for its nutritional value and flavor. This type of yeast is typically grown on a mixture of cane and beet sugar, then fermented, harvested, washed, pasteurized, and dried at high temperatures. Nutritional yeast is an excellent source of fiber, complete protein, and several B vitamins, and some brands are fortified with additional vitamin B12.

I read that it gives an Umami taste to food and could be added to sauces or most food items. I had to go to a health food store to get it.

I left the yeast container on the counter when I went to pick up Son from an event. Upon returning to the kitchen, I found the cat eating the yeast, with contents spread all over the counter. It must be good stuff since the cat is very picky.

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