Not a Holiday

Daylight Savings Time ended. I hate the time change.

Biking very early in the morning is a bit risky because as the sun comes up, drivers get blinded by the sun and tend to hit cyclists. I like avoiding that scenario so I took off on a bike ride around the new 7:30.

There’s a popular bike training loop on Holiday Hill. It’s an all residential road except for one of my favorite printers, Printing Impressions. The loop is UP for 3/4 of the way and then a fast DOWN back onto the main road where you can take a quick right and do the loop again. It had been a decade since I did hill repeats on my bike. I’ve done Holiday Hill during that time, but only one loop as part of a longer route. I decided to try repeats.

I immediately went into a strategy where I do a standing climb for 30 strokes and a sitting climb for 20 strokes. Repeat. I felt good, felt strong.

Usually I love going downhill very fast. I’ve done this loop with girlfriends who think I’m crazy for going so fast. I noticed I used my brakes going downhill today. I am getting old or my brain remembers my bike accident last year.

Loop. Repeat. 4 times. I did it faster than I thought so I ended up doing a longer flat ride afterward. My shoulder felt the effects of pulling up on my handlebars to get up that hill! Good challenge for the day.

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