When there is an addiction, the person who has the addiction sees their behavior as not a problem. It’s the people around the addict that has a problem with the addictive behavior. I have been told that I’m a TV addict. I would like to protest.

I have had a lifetime of being sleep-challenged and I found in my 20’s that TV would help me sleep. Later in life, when my family was embedded in front of their individual computer screens, I watched TV for entertainment and companionship. The TV viewing is a symptom of larger problems.

But now I’m being stripped of that escape. Cable has been down-graded to the most basic level so we will only get local channels. I can watch shows which I currently watch as long as they are on ABC, CBS, or NBC. Once the shows are over, the TV gets turned off. I don’t get to channel-surf or have the TV on just because I’m tired and don’t want to think anymore.

I must be an addict because this makes me sad. Down-grading cable was like an alcoholic pouring his liquor down the drain. I guess I will just read more, write more, be bored in the middle of the night when the tv would normally lull be back to sleep. I will be tired more too since I won’t be sleeping.

The good news is that we will save money.

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