No Tri in 2012

In February, I thought I was going to be able to do the triathlon. My knee was healing but I just had a pesky “deltoids” pain. Then I found it was more than that, a labrum tear, and now adhesions. I can’t raise my hand over my head hence I can’t swim. No triathlon for me next month.

I will never win in my age category. I am not fast, I have no illusions of greatness. I tri because I like being alive. When I’m tri-ing, every cell is working, it’s proof that I’m alive.

I do have a secret goal (OK, not so secret now) to be doing triathlons for so long, that there are so few people in my age category that I could actually place in my age category. My hope is that my peers would either move on to other sports (“sprint triathlon?” they would say, “that’s boring”) or move away. thus leaving fewer competitors.

Maybe in my 70’s I could get 4th place? A girl can dream.

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