No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency

In 2009, HBO aired the series “No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency” so I watched out of curiosity. I liked it and was disappointed when it wasn’t renewed for a second season.

Strolling through the Kindle section of my library website, I saw the book that the HBO series was based on was available. It was a book series (13 so far), which I like, with a story which I was familiar with and already interested in.

The story is written simply, yet cleverly. The language is not American English but I had the cadence in my head from the HBO series so I could follow it well enough. Although the story takes place in Africa in a land and culture unlike my own, there are common themes that are relatable on a woman-level: bad relationship, parent dying, familial obligation, wanting to be successful, loss of child.

I put the 2nd book on hold at the library. Looking forward to a new series to engage in.

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