Near Solstice Sunset

solsticesunsetI hadn’t been on a sunset hike in years. A couple days before solstice, I wanted to take full advantage of the day’s light. I started the day with an hour of yoga and finished it with a hike up to faux Inspiration Point. It was strange to hike without a hat or sunglasses. The temperature was moderate and it just felt good to be moving.

I arrived at the top just as the sun dipped behind the hill so I lingered to enjoy the changing light.

On the way down, I remembered that it had been 2 years since my bike accident and subsequent knee injury. It was wonderful that I could hike down and not have knee pain. I like healing and recognizing the absence of pain. I used the flashlight to make sure I didn’t stumble and create a new injury!

I liked the cricket chirp-pings, all at different intervals to provide a lovely symphony of song.

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